Holistic Software Quality Enablement

For an optimized and robust QA practice!



Continuous test


Managing your
testing tools



& Mentorship


Our field of expertise extends to a wide range of devices

Wether you are looking to perform your tests on a computer, tablet, smartphone, tc or smart fridge, there is no limit on the type of device where our tests can be applied Contact us for more informations

Our field of expertise extends to a wide range of devices

Wether you are looking to perform your tests on a computer, tablet, smartphone, tc or smart fridge, there is no limit on the type of device where our tests can be applied Contact us for more informations

Get free advice
from our experts

Get an assessment of your practice now to ensure the good health of your software quality assurance department and improve your technological infrastructures.

How do we apply it?

It all starts with Carelogic, our maturity assessment

Unlike what other service providers offer, we have chosen to make our maturity assessment service available free of charge and without obligation. After an initial study of the reality of your infrastructure, and a meeting with our quality assurance experts, you will receive a report that includes our analysis and our recommendations.

More than a simple diagnosis, we provide you with a real strategic roadmap that will be updated over time thanks to a health check that is renewed each year.

Take the pulse of your QA department

At SQALogic, our focus is on what is known as the 3Ps: Processes, People, and Products. Products, often seen as a silver bullet, can only be useful when your people and practices are up to speed.

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Tout projet réussi commence par une fondation solide : sassurer dun cadre prenant en compte les meilleures pratiques est essentiel pour atteindre les meilleurs résultats. Avoir les meilleurs produits et acteurs du marché ne suffit pas et lorganisation, la manière dopérer et de communiquer au sein de vos équipes sont des éléments essentiels pour que tout fonctionne bien. Nous vous aidons à implanter une méthodologie réaliste et optimisée pour la réussite de vos projets. 

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Your employees are at the center of business processes, so integrate them into your solutions. By focusing on the development of their skills, you ensure greater involvement on their part and you will guarantee deliverables of greater quality.

  • 3

The products exist to make your job easier by supporting your teams and your processes. It's a great way to save time and money. However, a tool can only be effective and efficient when your people and practices are up to date.


Ensuring a framework that takes into account best practices is essential to achieve the best results. Having the best products and players on the market is not enough and the organization, the way of operating and communicating within your teams are essential elements for everything to work well. We help you implement a realistic and optimized methodology for the success of your projects. 


Having the right tool in the right place will optimize efficiency. The products exist to make your job easier by supporting your teams and your processes. Our team is committed to always directing you towards the solutions and tools best suited to your environment, your budget or the skills available internally to facilitate and accelerate the realization of your projects. 


The members of your teams are the first affected by the decisions made regarding your processes and products. It is for this reason that we do not lose sight of the humans behind each key role and each of the skills implemented in your project. We therefore work with you to set up realistic, achievable, stimulating objectives and actively participate in training, skills development, taking on new tasks in order to strengthen the motivation and well-being of your employees for the success of your projects. 

Our Center of Expertise and Training Commitments:

  • Promote best practices and techniques in software quality assurance
  • Optimize the autonomy of your practice when it proves to be more profitable
  • Offer a unique modular system to offer you a solution that is truly adapted to your problem

A concern for integrity demonstrated by:

  • Our free diagnostic offer so you can receive the best advice, regardless of your budget
  • Our flat-rate approach to guarantee you suitable deliverables at fixed costs
  • Our desire to remain technologically agnostic and to offer you the solutions adapted to your needs, whether offered by a major player in the market or OpenSource
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