
About us

Who is SQALogic?

SQALogic is a center of expertise and training specialized in software quality assurance. From its creation, our objective was clear: to inculcate a culture of quality, while integrating the humans who collaborate in it. For us, the state of health of the quality assurance practice is imperative to bring performance to our projects.

As an important player in the changes and developments in our field, we want to be connected to our clients, by fully investing in the fulfillment of our mandates, while disseminating best practices.

Our approach is technologically agnostic: we look for the best solution based on your business reality. 

Our vision

To restore the letters of nobility to software quality assurance by being an ambassador of best practices and by inspiring a new generation of qualified professionals and by creating a culture of excellence within the industry. We are committed to spreading best practices and ensuring the health of quality assurance departments, in order to build a future where software quality means trust, reliability and success for our customers.

This objective is, in our opinion, achievable by working on 4 axis which constitute our mission:

Our mission


By supporting our customers in their search for solutions to find the most effective and adapted to their needs.


By distilling the best industry practices with our clients so that their projects reach new heights and guarantee them optimal results. 


By developing an international network of experts that we can call upon to provide clients with the right people at the right times.


By offering packaged solutions with measurable results and guaranteed deliverables ensure satisfaction and earn the trust of our clients.

Our values


Parce que nous croyons qu’un client satisfait est notre meilleur gage de succès, nous misons sur une approche basée sur l’intégrité où nos recommandations et nos solutions correspondent aux besoins réels de nos clients et sans coûts superflus. En bâtissant une relation de confiance avec nos clients, nous encourageons leur indépendance et développons leur assurance tout en restant disponible en cas de besoins futurs.


Notre réseau d’experts multidisciplinaires nous permet d’élaborer les stratégies gagnantes en utilisant les bonnes ressources, au bon moment et au bon endroit, nous permettant ainsi de garantir le succès de chacun de nos projets


Les membres de notre réseau sont reconnus pour leur expertise, mais nous avons aussi à cœur de partager nos connaissances et de développer les compétences de notre industrie. À cette fin et pour vous donner un élan dans l’atteinte de vos objectifs nous avons créé des solutions comme InternLogic et LearnLogic qui visent à développer vos compétences et améliorer vos pratiques en interne

Our values